Hello everyone! This week I wanted to give you a short update on my Adepticon 2017 Preperation.
Adepticon 2017 is now less than one month away and I am feeling the hobby crunch in full force. This is not a new feeling, as I have experienced it before, although it feels just as stressful and fun as it always has in the past. Perfecting my models, my list, and stashing aside those few extra hobby bucks for an impulse buy constantly occupies my mind.
As you may have seen in my previous posts, I plan on taking a Stormcast Eternals force. You will be happy to know that I finished painting the last of my Warrior Brotherhood last Friday night, just in time to see my original plan change the next day when I picked up my copy of the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome.
I am in no way upset that Warrior Brotherhood has been altered and that some warscrolls have been changed. I believe it was a necessity for the health of the competitive gaming scene. There appears to be quite a bit of potential in the new Battletome as well. Diving into a new book is always an exciting time, especially “educating” your unfamiliar gaming buddies by catching them off guard. However, I have chosen to stick with my initial plan of taking the Warrior Brotherhood. I may splash into something new from the new Battletome, but I see no reason to alter my plan. I believe the Warrior Brotherhood can still work and I intend to give it a go at Adepticon.
I am excited as a Stormcast player, but I feel that I may be running out of time to have an army that I am comfortable with playing. I typically play test a list for a few months before I am familiar with it. It is when I am comfortable playing the army that I can simply enjoy a fun competitive game with some new opponents. I do not want to find myself second guessing my lists and abilities. I feel keeping the bulk of my list as the Warrior Brotherhood will keep me in my comfort zone that I have developed, while at the same time bringing in something fresh.
I have a chance to field some new models and units in a competitive environment with a book that is a bit of an unknown. I feel that including some of the newer units could prove to give me a slight advantage over players who are unfamiliar with the change, given that new mechanics and new list compositions can mix things up. I just have to get my head wrapped around the new book and how I can supplement the list I wish to bring.
I may feel terribly behind on what I want to have completed for Adepticon, but I am staying motivated. I keep the thought of meeting some of the people I know from Twitter and enjoying time celebrating this hobby. I hope everyone is feeling more confident in their preparation than I am, but if not just stay positive and keep toward your goal as I am doing. If you see me at Adepticon please come say hi!
Until Next week Happy Hobbying!
Also, I want to apologize again for the delay of last week's blog "Building a Community : Part 2" Feel free to check it out on the link in case you missed it!
Edited by @Grudgegamer