Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Monday, November 13, 2023

Weekly Hobby Update 11.13.23

 Hello and Happy Monday everyone!  Yet another new week is here and it is time to look back at last week's hobby from yours truly.  However, it is also time to look ahead at the upcoming Warhammer 40k Grand Narrative and World Championships of Warhammer.  I will be there as usual working the show so be sure to follow my Social Media, especially my Instagram, to keep up to date and be aware that next week's blog will be delayed or even pushed back a week....or two...as the following week I am also attending the Square Based GT.  With all that said let us jump into the post!

As  a heads up I plan to take a break from these style of posts for the foreseeable future, but you can expect other posts both her eon the blog and on my Youtube!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Weekly Hobby Update 11.6.23

 Hello and happy Monday everyone!  It was a busy week with one main project last week taking up most of my time.  The Warhammer 40k Grand Narrative Terrain work me and my team are doing is pretty much done!  It has all been built, painted, weathered, and washed.  There are a few more hours of final touches to complete it before I ship it out by the end of the week, but I am thrilled to see it come together these past weeks.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Big M's Power Hour October 2023 - Stormcast 4e Speculation


Army Lore: Arliana Grandleaf of The Cavaroc Guard, of The Living City

Hello everyone!  Today I have some new Army lore I created for my current army project from The Cities of Sigmar.  My army is set firmly in The Living City of Ghyran and with this army, I want to tell the story of the common person in the realms and their journey through his High Fantasy setting.  This first story focuses on a Steelhelm from my army named Arliana Grandleaf and one of her early battles as a city guard.