Sunday, January 30, 2022

Army Lore: Lanissa's Rebellion

Hey Everyone!  I recently completed my Anvigard army the centers around my Souldbound Character Lanissa Bloodparch.  Enjoy the video and as always Happy Hobbying and Stay Stormcast Strong!

Army Lore: Fleet Maxa-Va

Hey Everyone!  Today I have yet another Army Lore post for you.  I recently completed my Kharadron Overlords fleet and after choosing a suitable pop star, Ava Max, to represent the army I decided to get to work and write a short piece of lore.  My flagship The Maxa-Va has a bit of mystery attached to it after its most recent journey.  I hope you enjoy this lore and as always Happy Hobbying and Stay Stormcast Strong!

Army Lore: WAAAGH Eliish'ia!

Today I have a very special post as I bring you some more Army Lore.  I have been building a Path To Glory Roster using Orruk Warclans over the past few months and while it is still a small army I wanted to write up a bit of background for it as well as incorporate my usual Pop Queen into it all.  My Ironjawz force is "lead" by Arch-Revenant Elish'ia based on Billie Elish.  It is a bit of fun in making it work, but that is what I love about The Mortal Realms and crafting your own Narrative!  Enjoy the lore below and as always Happy Hobbying and stay Stormcast Strong!