Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Guest Article : All Hallows Siege with Paul Wagner
Hello all, my name is Paul Wagner (better known as Pjschard) and I will be writing a few posts while Chuck is off on his exciting British adventures. I play Age of Sigmar, am part of the Mortal Realms Podcast, and in general am a proud AoS superfan. This last Saturday I attended an awesome narrative event right here in Madison, Wisconsin. It was run by the Milwaukee and Madison crew and named “All Hallow’s Siege.”
Monday, October 29, 2018
Guest Article : Paul Wagner's Hobby Motivation
Hello all, my name is Paul Wagner (better known as Pjschard) and I will be writing a few posts while Chuck is off on his exciting British adventures. I play Age of Sigmar, am part of the Mortal Realms Podcast, and in general am a proud AoS superfan. When I start thinking of an army I have to find some niche that makes the army cool in my mind. Whether it be an army list, models, or conversions, I get excited about armies that I can make mine. If the army fulfills all three motivations I typically go bonkers with my budget to find exactly what will work regardless of how expensive *cough* Forgeworld War Mammoth *cough* or ridiculous *cough* Eleven Arachnaroks *cough* it might be.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Guest Article : Matt Hayward's War Against the Grey
Hello, Realmgaters! I will be filling in today for Chuck during his infiltration and inevitable assault on the Mortal Realm of Britain. My name is Matt, one of Chuck's closest friends and confidants. Chuck mentions me somewhat frequently so I might sound familiar to the engaged reader. I've been playing Warhammer for a little over a decade. I got started in 40k, tried to play Fantasy, dabbled in Middle Earth, and I picked up AoS from Day 1 (which is now my game of choice, in no small part because of Chuck).
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Guest Article : Paul Wagner's Journey to Becoming Stormcast Strong
Hello all, my name is Paul Wagner (better known as Pjschard) and I will be writing a few posts while Chuck is off on his exciting British adventures. I play Age of Sigmar, am part of the Mortal Realms Podcast, and in general am a proud AoS superfan.
This post is going to be about getting Stormcast Strong, but not the kind you’re used to. This post is not about the muscle-bound Pennsylvanian Adonis that is Chuck. This will be about the fat, old, Dad-body that is Paul. You see, I just started on my Stormcast Strong journey a month ago. I joined a gym, or rather, I joined a babysitting service with 2.5 free hours every day, and it just so happens I can’t leave the gym while they’re being watched so I might as well work out.
This post is going to be about getting Stormcast Strong, but not the kind you’re used to. This post is not about the muscle-bound Pennsylvanian Adonis that is Chuck. This will be about the fat, old, Dad-body that is Paul. You see, I just started on my Stormcast Strong journey a month ago. I joined a gym, or rather, I joined a babysitting service with 2.5 free hours every day, and it just so happens I can’t leave the gym while they’re being watched so I might as well work out.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Community All-gates : 10-22-18
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the "Community All-gates", the weekly feature on The Realm Gate Blog where every Monday I plan to highlight something or someone from around the Age of Sigmar and Miniature Painting Community. It might be an Event, a YouTube Channel, Blog, Army List, Model, Hobby Project, or anything else that catches my eye. Today I wanted to take a look at the new Khorne Model from Forge World, Vorgaroth the Scarred & Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Teclis : Wisdom of The Light
Teclis, brother of Tyrion, High Loremaster of Hoeth, descendent of Aenarion, Warden of The White Tower, and recently God of Light. Teclis has been a divisive character over his long history, but without question, he is one of the most important beings who shaped many major events in The World That Was. There is no doubt as we venture more into Hysh we will see Teclis playing a major part in The Mortal Realms as well. His story is always closely connected to his brother Tyrion and even during The End Times when Teclis followed his own Agenda and had to oppose his kin but his loyalty and love remained. Teclis always played the long game that most could not or choose not to see and this more than anything else would make others see him as distant and cold. This would make Teclis a lonely figure as we examine his past and who he was in The World That Was. He was burdened with destiny and gifted with hope and without Teclis the lore we all love would never have happened.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
The Hobby Table : 10-17-18
UPDATE: I had a few generous people reach out to me and offer to be guest writers for the days I am away so you can now expect regular posts while I am away on the usual Mon, Wed, Fri schedule. Big thanks to Matt and Paul for helping me out!
Hey Everyone! Before I dive into what has been on my Hobby Table for the past week I want to make a small announcement. As you are already aware I will be vacationing to England with my wife next week for some sightseeing, some Warhammer, and seeing some great friends. Due to the trip, I will be taking a short break from my regular blogging schedule. My last post before I leave will me my Community All-Gates on 10/22 and you won't see another blog post until I return with a Hobby Table on 10/31. Taking a break has been a tough decision as I have been very consistent and didn't want to break the streak. Looking back I don't believe I missed a post or took a few days off for about two years or so and I am very proud of that fact. However, I want to focus on the trip, take lots of pictures, and enjoy my time as opposed to making sure I get another post out. I don't want to leave you all hanging while I am away so this Friday you can expect another Character History post where I dive deep into Teclis, who he was, who he is, and his efforts to save everything time and time again.
Hey Everyone! Before I dive into what has been on my Hobby Table for the past week I want to make a small announcement. As you are already aware I will be vacationing to England with my wife next week for some sightseeing, some Warhammer, and seeing some great friends. Due to the trip, I will be taking a short break from my regular blogging schedule. My last post before I leave will me my Community All-Gates on 10/22 and you won't see another blog post until I return with a Hobby Table on 10/31. Taking a break has been a tough decision as I have been very consistent and didn't want to break the streak. Looking back I don't believe I missed a post or took a few days off for about two years or so and I am very proud of that fact. However, I want to focus on the trip, take lots of pictures, and enjoy my time as opposed to making sure I get another post out. I don't want to leave you all hanging while I am away so this Friday you can expect another Character History post where I dive deep into Teclis, who he was, who he is, and his efforts to save everything time and time again.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Community All-gates : 10-15-18
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the "Community All-gates", the weekly feature on The Realm Gate Blog where every Monday I plan to highlight something or someone from around the Age of Sigmar and Miniature Painting Community. It might be an Event, a YouTube Channel, Blog, Army List, Model, Hobby Project, or anything else that catches my eye. This past weekend we saw the Michigan GT, Armies on Parade, as well as the anticipated Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament Finals at Warhammer World. Be sure to check out the post from Dan over at AoS Shorts to see the results of the GT Finals. Today, however, I want to point you toward one of the best Twitter threads going on right now. Neo Steve Foote is participating in Inktober, but with the idea of creating his dream Wargaming tables and they are great to look at and get inspired from so be sure to follow the thread and check every day for his latest table idea.
Friday, October 12, 2018
What is Your Favorite Narrative Twist?
Everyone loves a good story and the Warhammer Universe contains some of the best one could find. As we collect, build, and paint out models we are also getting invested in the lore. Once you find a faction that you connect with it is very easy to begin diving deeper and deeper into that factions history, stories, and heroes to help you build your armies narrative. Warhammer Fantasy Battles had decades of lore built up through the years and Age of Sigmar has been going from strength to strength with each new releases and novel. As more and more lore is released it is inevitable that some twists to the story will happen. Some are small and add a different bit of flavor and other twists can you know to its very core. Today I want to talk about my favorite plot twist that hit me so hard it has shaped my views of armies into The Age of Sigmar and changed everything I knew about my original Warhammer love, The Asur
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
The Hobby Table : 10-10-18
Hey Everyone! Despite the fact that my local area has continued to be in the 80°F/26°C we are finally into Autumn and as such, I decided to have a bit of fun with my favorite art piece from the Daughters of Khaine Battletome. Normally this time of year is the best time to prep your hobby for the coming winter months with building and priming (if you use a rattle can) but I am hoping November will be more agreeable. If you live in the Northeast U.S. like me I hope your weather finally begins to cool and the humidity levels finally begin to drop.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Community All-gates : 10-8-18
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the "Community All-gates", the weekly feature on The Realm Gate Blog where every Monday I plan to highlight something or someone from around the Age of Sigmar and Miniature Painting Community. It might be an Event, a YouTube Channel, Blog, Army List, Model, Hobby Project, or anything else that catches my eye. However, today I want to point you to the open spots left for Realms at War 3 coming up in a few weeks. As of today, there appear to be five spots open due to last minute drops and if you are free the event promises to be a great time!
Friday, October 5, 2018
The Unrequited of the Tayrathian
Hey Everyone! Today, as promised on my post from Wednesday today I will be sharing the lore behind my Aethermyst and the army I am taking to Realms at War. The general lore of my Army, since its conception, has been focused around the idea of a cult that was very heavy int he Witch Aelf culture and I always tend to play with lots of Witch Aelves as the core of my force. As a fun nod to some of my music preferences, I created a mythical founder for the cult in the form of Tayrathi Swiftheart. After working with Morathi to found the Tayrathian Cult she disappeared in some unknown way and is believed to be dead by the cult she founded. The tale of my Aethermyst is the possible rebirth of Tayrathi and her quest to now usurp Morathi and resurrect Khaine.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The Hobby Table : 10-3-18
Hey Everyone! While we have sightings of Slaanesh and Orktober is kicking into high gear I am staying committed to my path of preparing for Realms at War first and foremost. It's been a challenge to not begin painting my Daemonettes if I am honest, but I am holding strong (for now)! Over the past week, I have finished painting my Aethermyst and Aetherlab, Finalized my lists, and got a practice game in. The only things left on my plate are writing a bit of lore and getting my costume together which should hopefully go smoothly in the coming weeks.
Monday, October 1, 2018
Community All-gates : 10-1-18
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the "Community All-gates", the weekly feature on The Realm Gate Blog where every Monday I plan to highlight something or someone from around the Age of Sigmar and Miniature Painting Community. It might be an Event, a YouTube Channel, Blog, Army List, Model, Hobby Project, or anything else that catches my eye. This past weekend was the Sydney Grand Tournament down in Australia run by the one and only AoS Coach Anthony Margo. Anthony really put in a lot of fo work to ensure the event was an astounding success from a plethora of prizes to endless hours of terrain painting. Go check out his Twitter to see all the details.
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