Thursday, March 28, 2019

Community All-gates: 3-28-19

Hey Everyone!  In today’s Community All-Gates I wanted to point your attention towards a Twitter List created by Dan from AoS Shorts (Found after the break).  He created the list not long ago by reaching out to see who, on Twitter, would be attending Adepticon 2019 to help those unable to attend keep up with all the fun.  The list has grown and with Adepticon currently happening as we speak it would be a good list to follow!  Don't forget you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with all the Adepticon Fun and Coverage as well!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Road to Adepticon 2019 - Part 2

Hey Everyone!  Adepticon 2019 finally kicks off tomorrow and if you are like me the excitement level cannot get much higher.  Trying to sleep tonight before an early wake-up tomorrow to will be difficult, but thankfully I will have some time to nap in the car during the 9-hour drive.  With everything ready to go I wanted to take today to show off the completed items I did in order to prepare for the event.  The coming week promises to be full of friends, Warhammer, and fun and I cannot wait to see you all there!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Preparing your Battle Plan Now so you Can Enjoy your Game Later!

Hey Everyone!  As the next Warhammer event draws ever closer I wanted to share my method of preparing for a major event in order to have less stress at the table and be able to focus on having a great time with my opponent.  The method I have worked up is very much inspired by The Workbook created by The Honest Wargamer that you should really check out.  While reading and working through the book it dawned on me that I meal prep, lay out clothing, etc… in order to prepare for the day(s) ahead in order to be less stressed and enjoy my day without worry.  I never really did this in my Warhammer Hobby other than a few “practice games” and reading my Battletome a few weeks before an event.  That has all changed and today I hope to show you how I prepare for one-day and two-day Warhammer Events so my stress is minimal and my fun is maximized for both me and my opponent.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Road to Adepticon 2019 - Part 1

Hey Everyone!  It’s that time of year when we all frantically paint the latest additions to our armies, and sometimes entire armies, in preparation for Adepticon over in Chicago, IL..  This year is no exception and I have been seeing plenty of posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as the days move ever onward.  While I am not playing in any events this year I do have quite a bit going on and have been busy preparing myself and my Daughters of Khaine for the fun ahead.  Today I want to talk about my preparation and my general plans for the event.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

One Army or Many?

Hey Everyone!  Today I wanted to look at how we all collect armies in our Warhammer Hobby.  Some players tend to jump from between many armies based on preference, event, or competitive reasons.  Others, like myself, tend to primarily play one army and dabble into other armies for fun projects, curiosity, or for allies to use with my main army.  Neither option is better than the other and both have pros and cons I hope to explore a bit today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Hobby Table 3-12-19

Hey everyone!  Today I wanted to catch you up on all the hobby I have been tackling recently.  A lot of it has been in preparation for Adepticon and some of the pickup games I have planned during the festivities.  Most of it, as you could guess, revolves around painting Witch Aelves.  It may come as a shock, but I am still enjoying painting these models and I am still considering taking the total number from 180 to 200 after these last thirty are completed.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Steel City Sigmar: February 2019 Team Event

Hey Everyone!  A few weeks back I attended one of the event days for one of my local clubs, Steel City Sigmar.  It was a one-day team event where everyone was paired up randomly in order to help everyone meet new players.  I got to play a bit with some units and rules I typically don't use which always makes for a fun day tactically and I ended up having a great partner to really make the day fantastic.  The event itself was a great bit of fun as everyone duked it out over three games and today I want to share my games and overall experience with you in today’s post.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Community All-Gates : 3-5-19

Hey everyone! In today's Community All-Gates I want to bring your attention to the recent news regarding this year's Realms at War. As usual, the RAW NEO's are planning to pull out all the stops!
I had a blast last year having over to Cambridge for this event and while I am not 100% sure if I'll make it this year I do plan to use what the RAW NEO's create as a way to push the narrative of The Tayrathian Cult even farther! Be sure to file their Twitter and search for #RAW19 to see everyone as they begin to prepare in the coming year.