I have set aside the entire week to paint in order to get the unit wrapped up early and relax a bit before heading out towards Chicago in a few weeks. I have made good progress in the past few days and I am on track to have these done by this weekend without much issue. This unit does have shields attached so it will make the progress a bit longer, but it will give me two full units of Witches with Shields to use in the future!
I was recently commissioned by my FLGS to help him paint a tabletop level Adeptus Custodes Army for one of his customers. It had been a while since I painted anything 40k related, but the models painted up quick and I really enjoyed painting some simple armour. I have a few Stormcast models I might tackle here soon, but I am also considering painting my Dark Angel army which I reprimed last year in order to get it to a tabletop level for the times I get to play in the 41st millennium.
The last bit of hobby was getting started on ten Sisters of Slaughter. I currently have twenty painted with shields and I have been wanting to max the unit to a total of thirty. I am aiming to have these done before Adepticon as well. I don't plan on taking them to the event, but I find setting a time to have them done is a great way to motivate me to finish.
If you are preparing for Adepticon let me know int he comments below how your progress is coming along! I hope to see you in Chicago in a few weeks and until later this week, Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore