Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lore: The Tayrathian Exodus

Hey Everyone!  Recently Doug over at the 2+ Tough channel ran a lore competition where he had people write a narrative story within the realm of Age of Sigmar.  His Patreon patrons read and voted to determine some lucky winners to have their stories featured on an episode of Doug’s channel.  I didn't make the cut sadly, but congratulations to all the winners and thanks to Doug for running the contest!

Today I want to share my submitted entry for you all to enjoy.  The lore piece features, as you might have guessed, the one and only Tayrathi!  Tayrathi having had and her cult forced to abandon their Temple home in Ghyran, has made a long exodus to a potential settlement outside the Free City of Anvilguard.  The tale picks up as Tayrathi is finalizing the terms of her cults settlement with members of the cities ruling council.  Also, check out the maps below of Tayrathi's journey and enjoy the story after the break.  Happy Hobbying!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Keep Nurgle at bay this tournament season!

Hey Everyone!  We are well underway in this year’s tournament season with the upcoming Adepticon looming vast on the horizon.  While “con crud” is a real thing and we all do our best to come away from an event without catching any illness it is always a threat be it flu, cold, it otherwise.  While there isn’t a need to panic or cancel plans due to what we hear on the news it is always a good idea to refresh yourself on how to keep you and your health safe while attending a large event.  Today I want to help with the refresh and list out the best ways I know of to keep Nurgles blessing at bay.