Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 8-30-17

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Safe travels to everyone on their way to Nova Open and please feel free to say "Hi: if you see me around the convention when I arrive late Thursday night.  If you are not able to attend you can follow what I am doing there via Twitter as always.  Now, on to my Hobby from the past week and there is a lot of Red and White being put on models.  Honestly, I look forward to doing any other color with my next army, but it has been nice to tackle the challenging color of white to add it comfortably to my list of Hobby Tools.  Perhaps I will try to incorporate yellow into my next army if I find myself motivated or inspired to do so.

I finished up two Slaughterpriests bringing my total up to three to maximize my Gore Pilgrims Bubble is I find the need to do just that.  I really love this sculpt and was very happy that it came free with White Dwarf during its Monthly relaunch.  It made getting my hands on a few very easy.  I may even try to get a few more to do some fun conversions in te future.

I may be in the minority but neither one of these models are my favorite in the range despite the nice sculpting job.  There aesthetic never clicked for me even though they are very Khornate and Chaos inspired, but after painting them I found a new appreciation and I hope we see a Korgorath kit soon to add more dynamic poses to the model as I wouldn't mind adding one or two to my army.

A might army needs it's Might Lord and he was a joy to paint and not as challenging as I expected he would be to complete to nice Tabletop level.  Up next is my Chaos Warshrine converted to be carried by Bloodreavers.  It looks to offer a real challenge, but I am excited to see how it turns out as one of the armies centerpieces.  Not pictured are a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage and Skarbrand which I am very excited to paint in the coming weeks.

My last bit of hobby was the addition of a converted Knight-Heraldor which is part of my Nova Open army this weekend. I enjoy how simple and fluid Stormcast painting Stormcast has become for me, but sticking with the same army for a few year will do that I suppose.  It is a bit bittersweet knowing this will be the last Stormcast I will be painting for a while unless Blightwar sinks its teeth into me, but I am excited to begin rebasing my Aelves and possibly painting the Sylvaneth that have been sitting on my Hobby Desk for the past year.

Until Friday, Happy Hobbying!

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Great Aelven Rebasing Project

Hey Everyone!  Happy Friday and happy last weekend to wrap up your Nova Open Projects and Armies if you are attending this years convention.  Today I wanted to follow-up from a post I did quite some time ago entitled "Why I still have Squares".

In the article, I flat-out refused to rebase my old armies seeing them as bought for 8th edition and I wanted to honor the plan I had in my head for the army so I was leaving them on square bases and moving forward with my Stormcast Eternals force with plans to create new Aelf Armies in the future.  When The Generals Handbook released and I saw how the Aelves were broken into many many sub-factions I reasserted the thought to not rebase all my old Elf Armies and pushed onward.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 8-23-17

Hey Everyone! The Nova Crunch enters its final stages with only eight days until the fun begins at Nova Open 2017!  I had many goals to complete by then and while quite a few will happen there is a bit that will not sadly.  However, it is no time to quit and while the goal will not be met I will readjust the timeframe for them to keep the goal in sight and reasonable.

I was hoping to have my Khorne completed before Nova.  I did not plan to take them to Nova, but I was using the convention as a landmark goal.  I did manage to complete my unit of thirty Bloodreavers this past weekend as well as Skarr Bloodwrath.  That only leaves ten models left to go, but they are all Heros or Behemoths and I do not wish to rush through them simply to get them complete.  Time is drawing to a close, but I will push my deadline to complete this army to mid-September to keep the goal of completing the army close to my original goal but giving myself a reasonable amount of time to complete it all.  Including deciding on a basing scheme for the army.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Road to Nova Open 2017 : Part 3

Hey everyone!  Happy Friday and Happy GenCon Weekend!  Time is closing as Nova Open draws near Thirteen Days is all that remains until the big show and I feel vastly behind in my preparation, but determined as ever!  Hopefully, the rest of you are nice and relaxed and fully prepared, but if you are like me and fully in the Nova Crunch I wish you all the luck I can spare.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 8-16-17

Hey Everyone!  Time for another look at my hobby and games from the previous week.  Also a brief salute to a man who has ingrained himself in our hobby minds and left his mark as a Warhammer Legend (not that he is done growing his legend yet!).  Enjoy!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Falling for Chaos : Part 2

Hey Everyone!  Today I wanted to talk about Khorne in a light not usually seen, but these parts of his persona were integral in my choosing to follow the Blood God over any other as I began my Fall to Chaos.  These character traits also helped in the choice of my color scheme choice of White and Gold across the army.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 8-9-17

Happy Wednesday Everyone!  I hope your hobby is going strong as we enter the final stages of summer.  If you are going to Nova Open there are only 22 days left to finish up your army or projects!  Here is what has been going on with my Hobby and Nova prep this past week.

My Club, Ligonier Legion, recently moved venues due to some renovation at our local Library where we normally met.  Our new gaming hall is the basement of a local Church which has plenty of table space, storage for our terrain and gives us a bit more freedom for our events in the future.  The atmosphere is positive for the switch with the only down sides is a bit farther walk to our FLGS.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Interview with Dan from AoS Shorts

Hey Everyone!  Today I have a very special guest interview for you all.  Dan from the new AoS Shorts Podcast took some time to talk about Hobby, Age of Sigmar, and his new Podcast.  Dan is a great guy with a love for Age of Sigmar and if haven't yet, be sure to reach out to him.  You will find his contact information below.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Weekly Hobby Update : 8-2-17

Happy Wednesday Everyone!  Welcome to the fresh look for The Realm Gate!  I felt it was time to step up my game and give the blog a more professional look with a new logo I worked up as well as a cleaner design to the site.  I made do subtle tweaks here and there and any input is appreciated.

The new logo.  I was originally going to commission one but decided to try my own hand at it in the end