Hey Everyone! There is quite a lot of Warhammer Events coming up such as Midwest Meltdown in July, Slobberknocker GT in July, as well as Heat 3 at Warhammer World this weekend! However, my focus is on Nova Open as it will be my second Grand Tournament and I could not be more excited.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Weekly Hobby Update : 6-28-17
Hey Everyone! It's Wednesday and time for my weekly Hobby Update. It has been a fun week getting in my first game of the New 40k and getting back to some Age of Sigmar Hobby. Nova is fast approaching and I plan to prepare with as many games with my Stormcast as I can in the next few months while painting up my Blades of Khorne so look forward to lots of that soon!
Friday, June 23, 2017
Finding the Hobby Balance
Hey Everyone! Another week has come and gone and I bet you're sitting at home, or perhaps sneaking a quick read in at work, or possibly commuting home and passing the boredom with today's post. However, if you are reading this I bet you are similar to me with your passion for our Hobby and the ever present thoughts of painting, building, and playing games are within you. Sadly, not all of us are can count our Hobby as our profession, and sometimes it might be best to keep it separate. How do we strike that balance between our Hobby Life, Home Life, Social Life, and Work Life? I hope to share with you today my thoughts and how I attempt to obtain Hobby Balance.
Picture of me doing my best to not think about Painting a model
(Shortly after I went and painted a model)
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Weekly Hobby Update : 6-21-17
Happy Wednesday everyone! It has been a flurry of Hobby lately and most of it #New40k. I am very happy to be jumping back into the Grim Dark of The Far Future as well as playing in The Mortal Realms. I remember the fun-filled times of days gone past when I played both systems and I am glad those days are back! While the 40k break has been nice, especially after putting a lot of time and effort into Coalescence, I am very excited to jump back into more of a Sigmar Focus in the next few months to prepare for Nova Open.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Coalescence 2017 : The Battle for The Laurel Diamond
Hey Everyone! Today I wanted to run down the Coalescence event I ran at my local club last Saturday as part of the Global Narrative. It was a great day of wargaming with a room full of players really getting into the setting of the event. The tables were full of smiles and friendly banter all day as well as exciting games and stories being created!
We ran the event at our local library which is our usual club hangout. We play in the basement where we can be as loud as we like and there is plenty of space to set up all the tables we need. I set out early to grab some coffee and relax a bit before all the madness began. It was a great time to reflect on what I needed to do to ensure everyone had a great time.
The local Library where the event was held
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Weekly Hobby Update : 6-14-17
Hey Everyone! Time for my weekly Wednesday hobby post. It was a fun and exhausting weekend with Coalescence, but there is no rest for the weary, especially when there is so much exciting hobby on your painting desk. Be sure to come back this Friday for a recap of the Coalescence event I ran this past Saturday that was part of the bigger global narrative!
Friday, June 9, 2017
How to Hobby while Traveling
Hey Everyone and happy Friday. It is no secret that I have been traveling quite a bit for my job recently. While it is fun flying across the country and seeing new places once the work day is done it can eat away at your hobby time. Today I wanted to share some tips for keeping your hobby going strong even when traveling.
I tend to travel a lean as possible be it for work or pleasure. I enjoy not needing to check a bag when flying and being able to make just a single trip to my hotel with my luggage. A single bag is all I ever take and as such, I need to make sure I can fit what I need for my hobby in a small and durable case. Only a few months ago I would put everything into a small sturdy box packed as nicely as I could with tissue paper to prevent items from moving.
While this method worked in the short term I knew it wasn't and ideal solution for the long term. Thankfully my solution came to me while I was at Adepticon this past March. I stopped in at the Battle Foam booth and found their Pack Mini. I grabbed the case and 3 different foam layouts. One being the standard pluck foam so I could create my own travel layout. I cannot recommend these bags enough. I plan to switch entirely to Battle Foam within the next few months as my only foam and bag brand to transport my models and you can expect a review when I do.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Club Day : Terrain Building
Hey Everyone! This past weekend my club held a very important event in place of its standard gaming days. We had determined at our Town Meeting that our terrain was in need of a facelift and we committed to repairing, repainting, and if needed replacing terrain from our club collection. I also committed to painting up all of my terrain so when I am running Age of Sigmar events such as Coalescence I can also bring a few extra tables of quality terrain as well.
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