Happy Wednesday everyone! It has been a flurry of Hobby lately and most of it #New40k. I am very happy to be jumping back into the Grim Dark of The Far Future as well as playing in The Mortal Realms. I remember the fun-filled times of days gone past when I played both systems and I am glad those days are back! While the 40k break has been nice, especially after putting a lot of time and effort into Coalescence, I am very excited to jump back into more of a Sigmar Focus in the next few months to prepare for Nova Open.
With the 40k edition dropping, I let myself get swept in all the fun. I haven't really played since 6th edition, but the changes to both Games Workshop and to Warhammer 40,000 I couldn't resist letting the Dark secrets of The Dark Angels run rampant in my head once again. I picked my index and my Starter box and got to work.
After a long day or rebasing and building this past Sunday, The Sons of The Lion are up ready to hit the table while receiving a fresh coat of paint. It was fun to loose myself to an entire day to the hobby. It has been quite a while and while drained, really motivated me to move forward with the Army.
My plan for the Army is to have the majority ready to go for this Summers Campaign, Fate of Konor. I really enjoyed last years Season of War for Age of Sigmar and cannot wait to see what is in store for us at the end of July.
I haven't forgotten about Age of Sigmar during all of the 40k hype. My Blades of Khorne Army is being assembled and getting ready for painting. Hopefully, I will be priming by Saturday.
Originally my fall to Chaos was part of a Path to Glory campaign with a few of my Club Mates. We all chose a different Chaos god and set to the task, but as life does it can prevent us from gathering to game as much as we would like and the campaign went by the wayside as my army grew. Thankfully, the announcement of a standalone Path to Glory Supplement for Age of Sigmar has reawakened the call of Chaos for my club mates and come July we will be picking this up to start a new campaign!
I would love to see what you are working on as well so please let me know either int he comments or by finding me on Twitter. Until Friday, Happy Hobbying!