Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 5-30-18

Hey Everyone!  I hope everyone is continuing to be excited about the upcoming release of the new edition of Age of Sigmar.  The Faction Focus's and Rule previews are coming daily and I cannot wait to finally get my Daughters on the table with the upcoming changes.  The Mortal Realms are changing and it has never been a better time to be an Age of Sigmar player.  While I slowly continue to put paint on my remaining Daughters of Khaine units I have been busy with some event preparation as well as something I never thought I would ever do when I began this hobby years ago.  One big thing to note is the date change for my local group's Coalescence eventWhile the event is happening globally on June 23rd, 2018 my event will be the weekend after due to some venue scheduling conflicts, but it just gives me an extra week to prepare the fun!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Tin Foil Hat : Hysh and The Haven of Lileath

Hey Everyone!  Today I wanted to try something that I don't do very often and that is doing a bit of a Tin Foil Hat discussion.  It won't be about any rules discussion but focused on the lore and possible future of the overall narrative.  Recently in a Community Article talking about changes to magic and casting in the Age of Sigmar showing off the realm of Hysh.  Hysh, the realm of light and home to the Twin Gods Tyrion and Teclis.  It is one of the first glimpses we have seen about this realm and it reminded me of some prior art from The End Times.  There is a very good chance none of this is how it will all work out, but it should be fun to look at.  Join me as I attempt to tie together random strands for a bit of fun and a look at the possible direction of the lore.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 5-23-18

Hey Everyone!  The hints and teasers of the upcoming AoS 2.0 are coming hot and heavy.  While we are starting to see much more of how each phase will play in the coming edition we still do not have the whole picture.  Don't stress about what could be and don't worry about piecing together every scrap of information into some theory.  Enjoy the previews and get excited about the new edition as there is some great art being released on top of the hints and previews.  June will reveal all and right now we should all be positive and looking ahead as opposed to stressing and worrying.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Age of Sigmar : The New Edition

Happy Friday everyone.  As you may be aware I am very excited about the upcoming new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar coming out next month.  Today I wanted to take a look at what we know so far and some bits you might have missed.  While we don't know a lot just yet there is a lot to be excited about just knowing that the rules will be beyond the 4 pages we have come to know and love.  Over the coming weeks, we will be seeing a lot of info released on the Warhammer Community Site so check there daily as we all ramp up for the release.  Before I begin I want to give a shout out to a post put out this week from Mengel Miniatures where Tyler looked a bit at the new edition and the past few years of the game,  you really should check it out if you haven't already.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 5-16-18

Hey Everyone!  The newest edition of Warhammer Age fo Sigmar was announced this past weekend at Warhammer Fest and I cannot be more excited!  Not to mention a plethora of other great announcements, such as Stormcast, Nighthaunt, and more!  Thankfully, it won't be long before we get our hand son the changes and see how the shape of the game will change going forward.  If you didn't see the announcement already NOVA Open this year will be using the latest rules and you can expect the event packs to come out shortly after the new edition drops.  There are still spots available for the GT and Doubles, but I imagine they will be going quickly.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Life Lessons and Wargaming: Finding your support

Hey Everyone! Today I wish to add another article to my series "Life Lessons and Wargaming".  The point of this article series is to look at the little lessons we learn throughout life and how we can apply these to our Wargaming hobby.  In today's article, I want to talk about building your support group (outside of your partner if you have one).  The best way to accomplish your goals is to have friends and peers supporting you along the way.  As you work toward your goal you will bear a lot of the burden, but there are always people willing to help you carry the load with supportive words, sage advice, or giving you their honesty so you can course correct along the way.  So how do you go about forming your support group?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 5-9-18

Hey Everyone! You might have noticed a change to the site banner image today (you may still see a few tweaks here and there on the banner).  Sometime before Adepticon I commissioned the very talented Eric (aka Stonemonk) of the Mortal Realms podcast to create the piece you see.  Those of you who follow me on Twitter, or simply spend a few moments talking to me will know the piece combines the Morathi and my favorite pop star, Taylor Swift in a fun mashup.  Whether you are rolling your eyes right now at me or not you should consider reaching out to Eric about what he might be able to do for you (as long as he is open for commissions).  You can view some of his other work on his Skirmish Supplement, "Renown or Ruin" or on Warhammer Weekly as he also recently completed their new logo and Chaos representations of both Tom and Vince.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Developing your Hobby "Routine"

Hey Everyone!  After last Friday's post Life "Life Lessons and Wargaming: Motivation vs. Dedication" I was asked to go into more detail about how to set up, manage, and maintain a dedicated routine for your Hobby.  It goes without saying that setting up a routine is the same as if you were doing it for Hobby, Writing, Working Out, or anything else you wish to improve on over time.  However, I must admit I am not a fan of calling regularly dedicated time a routine.  A routine is a comfortable thing you do regularly and while we are all creatures of habit I feel the best way to improve and really grow is to go outside of your comfort zone.  In my opinion, you need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 5-2-18

Hey Everyone!  It is narrative event pack Christmas this week as the Realms at War 18 and the Summer Coalescence 18 packs have been released.  I eagerly dug into each pack for very different reasons.  My local club will once again be hosting Coalescence this year and I am planning on it being bigger than last years and last years was pretty big so it will be fun to try and top it.  As for Realms at War I am excited to begin crafting my Hero and their Aethrlab as soon as possible since I am attending the event come October.  It has also been a boost as seeing these great packs has helped motivate me to finish the competitive GT and Doubles packs for NOVA Open.  The NOVA packs continue to be my focus, but they should be wrapped up soon allowing me to focus my hobby elsewhere for a bit.