Friday, April 27, 2018

Life Lessons and Wargaming: Motivation vs. Dedication

Hey Everyone!  Today I decided to go back to an article series I left off in December last year entitled "Life Lessons and Wargaming".  The point of this article series is to look at the little lessons we learn throughout life and how we can apply these to our Wargaming hobby.  I felt I wrapped up all the thoughts I had back in December, but as I continue to work toward my goals and see them evolve I felt it was a good time to return to the series to take a look at the concepts of Motivation and Dedication.  At first look, they can be seen as very similar, but they are very different.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 4-25-18

Hey Everyone!  It has been great seeing all the Idoneth Deepkin reviews, deep dives, and models online lately and I have been soaking it all in as it comes out.  While I am very eager to begin these new Aelves I am sticking with my plan and wrapping up my Daughters of Khaine first.  However, I couldn't resist picking up the Battletome in order to get my feet wet in the lore.  While at my local shop I decided I needed to finally pick up the latest Dark Angels Codex as well.  While Age of Sigmar is my primary focus regarding games I really want to jump back into the Imperium I hope to finally get paint on my Primaris I bought back at the release of the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Warhammer and Project Management

Hey Everyone!  This weekend we see the first wave of another great Age of Sigmar army release and many, myself included, are very excited to get out hands on the new Idoneth Deepkin.  We are in a great time for our hobby, especially Age of Sigmar, as Games Workshop rapid release schedule has seen numerous armies coming out one right after the other.  While this keeps a healthy buzz and excitement within the community I have also seen a fair number of people who get very excited during a release only to quickly lose interest and focus as the next army begins to appear.  While this isn't anything new it does create a bit of a rollercoaster ride and today I wanted to look at how to manage your army project in some basic detail.  With a solid plan, it is easy to finish your current army project while being excited and planning out your next!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 4-18-18

Hey Everyone!  Some exciting news this week as my wife and I have booked tickets to head over to England this Autumn!  We are still planning out the trip, but I know for sure I am attending RAW18 as well as a trip to Warhammer World the Wednesday before the event and a lot of sightseeing.  I cannot wait for this trip with my wife to see the world a bit and visit my UK friends.  However, October is a long way away and there is still a lot to do before the trip.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Gibbering Dome Impressions : Guest Post by Paul Wagner

Hey Everyone!  As promised I have Paul returning today to give his follow up about the Narrative event he ran at this year's Adepticon entitled The Gibbering Dome.  The event was a lot of fun and well planned out by Paul and I was very happy to have been able to assist him with the event.  The passion and dedication he put into the lore, build up, and resolution of the event is evident and I look forward to what he has in store for the next narrative, which could be Coalescence: The Desolation of Eristrat this June.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 4-11-18

Hey Everyone!  I have some great news as the Age of Sigmar Team Doubles Event at this year's NOVA Open has officially doubled due to the quick sell out.  We are going from 20 teams to 40 with the potential to add a few more if we sell out once again.  The Grand Tournament still has plenty of room left, but tickets are beginning to move once again so be sure to jump on it soon.  This year promises to be bigger then the last and my biggest Hobby focus is creating fun and competitive Event packs that I hope to get out in the coming months.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Adepticon 2018 : AoS GT and Team Doubles Events

Hey Everyone!  Today I will wrap up my personal Adepticon coverage as I take you through my games from the Age of Sigmar Team Doubles and the Grand Tournament.  I say my personal coverage because next week I am having Paul return to talk about the Narrative event he ran now that The Gibbering Dome's halls have quieted down.  All in all, I had eight great games with wonderful opponents and while days of gaming can become draining near the end I came out of it all energized for me.  The body might of wanted rest, but my mind wanted more Warhammer.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Weekly Hobby Update : 4-4-18

Hey Everyone! The Aelf fever has fully gripped me after Adepticon and I pushed to finally get appreciable progress on my Great Aelven Rebasing Project.  It didn't take long to get pretty much everything on to a round or oval base and while the project has spanned a few months the bulk of the work has only been a few hours at most.  The last push was one of the longest as it was moving the cavalry to their new bases.  I am far from finished as being glued to the new bases was only phase one.  There is plenty of Aleves to come in my future and getting this project wrapped up has been high on my priority.