This past weekend was a club day for my local group as well and we gathered for a day of Age of Sigmar and 40k. It was a nice turnout for the games and we even had a few games of Shadespire happening as well. I am excited as one of the local members, Luis has agreed to help get Shadespire moving for the group. While there has been a good deal of excitement in the general Pittsburgh, PA area the game never really took off for the club. I am very excited to see some leagues and clashes happening for the club soon!
While at the club day my friend Aleks and I teamed up with two 1000pt lists of Free People and Daughters of Khaine as we prepare for the upcoming Rend 4 Team Doubles event. We paired up against one of my regular opponents Jason and his Night Haunts. After a few turns, my Witch Aelves managed to clear their side of the table and proceeded to watch Aleks and his force due their best to hold off Jason's remaining undead. I am hoping Aleks now has the proper fear of my Witch Aelves for the event because while we practiced together we are not on the same team and I am seeking my revenge from the stomping he gave my Khorne at the last Rend 4 event.
Outside of a game, I took the time to finish the last ten Sisters of Slaughter bringing my total up to twenty. I may add another ten in the future to be able to run a unit of thirsty, but I typically like to run these units as small units of ten. Next up are the Khinerai and Melusai units I recently built and I plan to get them completed over the next few weeks so I can begin some of my one-off painting projects.
I hope your hobby is continuing to go strong and your motivation is high. Be sure to come back Friday when I plan to talk a bit about Motivation and Dedication as I will be continuing my article series, Life Lessons and Wargaming. Until then, Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore