Friday, March 6, 2020

Keep Nurgle at bay this tournament season!

Hey Everyone!  We are well underway in this year’s tournament season with the upcoming Adepticon looming vast on the horizon.  While “con crud” is a real thing and we all do our best to come away from an event without catching any illness it is always a threat be it flu, cold, it otherwise.  While there isn’t a need to panic or cancel plans due to what we hear on the news it is always a good idea to refresh yourself on how to keep you and your health safe while attending a large event.  Today I want to help with the refresh and list out the best ways I know of to keep Nurgles blessing at bay.

  1. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes or mouth with your hands throughout the day.
  2. Put a travel-size hand sanitizer on your army case to use throughout the day.
  3. Stay Hydrated to help your body’s immune system stay at peak fighting level.
  4. Use your own dice, tape measures, gaming aids, etc… and respect your opponent in letting them handle their own gaming accessories.
  5. Use that handy hand sanitizer after you shake your opponent’s hand, or if you prefer, offer a fist bump instead.
  6. Meal prep as much as you can!  Not only does this save money and allow you to eat healthily it will also let you avoid crowded areas and condiment stations that will likely be touched by hundreds of people within a few short hours.
  7. Clean up any trash you make throughout the day.  While this won’t do much in specifically keeping you free of illness it does help keep anything from spreading and helps out the staff who will have to clean it up if you do not.
  8. Take time to get fresh air every day.  There will be a lot of people breathing the same air throughout the event so taking time to get some fresh clean air will help greatly.
  9. When possible, use the facilities from your own hotel room.  While not always possible this is one of the best ways to avoid any illness.
  10. Don’t stress or overthink it.  Keep sanitization in front of mind and have fun at the event!  Do as much as you can without getting in the way of enjoying your time with friends and wargaming during the event.

I am sure there are many other tips I might have missed so be sure to share them in the comments for everyone!  Stay safe, stay healthy, and as always, Happy Hobbying!

Chuck Moore