Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Road to Adepticon 2019 - Part 2

Hey Everyone!  Adepticon 2019 finally kicks off tomorrow and if you are like me the excitement level cannot get much higher.  Trying to sleep tonight before an early wake-up tomorrow to will be difficult, but thankfully I will have some time to nap in the car during the 9-hour drive.  With everything ready to go I wanted to take today to show off the completed items I did in order to prepare for the event.  The coming week promises to be full of friends, Warhammer, and fun and I cannot wait to see you all there!

The biggest project I had to work on over the past few weeks was painting up yet another round of Witch Aelves.  I admittedly drug my feet a little on this as it wasn’t a hard goal I needed to accomplish, but more of a goal I set for myself.  I am planning to use them in my Showdown game against Anthony Margo (AoS Coach) and that alone was enough motivation to get me through to the end.  To date now I have 180 painted Witch Aelf models and it has, overall, been a happy task.  I have been debating on taking this number to 200, but as of yet, I am undecided as I plan to focus this year on exploring other parts of the Daughters of Khaine.  Time will tell if I push through those last 20 or not…

As I mentioned last week I am helping out at a few of the events this year to both help friends and learn from them in how they run their events.  While there wasn’t much for me to do prior to the event I have been busy printing out materials to assist with potential rules questions that may pop up.  I have also been brushing up on rules in order to be ready to assist however the T.O.’s might need.

The last bit of preparation is actually not my own, but my friend Sean’s from BrushForHire.  I had commissioned Sean to paint my Idoneth Deepkin, but I gave him full control of the colors he wanted to use for the army.  Sean worked on the project so I could have it at Adepticon this year, but I asked for him to make it a surprise so I won't get to see the army until I am actually at the event where I will use the army for pickup games.  I have no fear in letting it be a surprise as I love Sean’s style and while I cannot show you any pictures here I can promise you a full article on the commission with Sean in the very near future.

If you are coming to Adepticon please come say hello if you see me wandering around the convention.  If you are unable to attend do not fret as I will have an article up Thursday for you to enjoy as always.  Be safe if you are traveling if you are not, enjoy some great hobby this week and keep an eye out for the latest reveals from the Warhammer Preview Seminar Wednesday evening.  Happy Hobbying!

Chuck Moore