One of the best ways I found to prepare for a GT's is to listen to Podcasts and Videocasts discussing different armies that you are likely to see when attending these events. Lately, there has been a number of great shows doing just that. Tyler Emerson of Scurby & Wells discussed Tzeentch in his latest show with Rob Moar. Vince and Tom of Warhammer Weekly had Andrea Schwandt on this past week discussing her first-hand experience with Kharadron Overlords. David and Alex from Garagehammer just put out an episode about Beastclaw Raiders that I plan on listening to this weekend. I can also highly recommend you check out AoS Shorts by Dan S. which is a great quick way to tighten up your rules knowledge of the game.
I was planning on taking a copy of my Adepticon Army. It has been nice to not have any Hobby Crunch Leading up to the event, but a recent change to my list has created some work for me, but thankfully not much. Beyond the addition of another unit to my Stormcast Eternals, I do have a short list of items to prepare as well. It seems the Hobby Crunch can never truly be avoided.
To round out my list for the Championship I need to purchase, build, and assemble a unit of five Protectors. Thankfully they are one of my favorite units in the army so it won't be a chore of any sort, but I do need to make sure I have all the paint for the scheme on hand. I do want to add a bit of customization to this unit to differentiate it from my current unit of Protectors so it will add a bit more time to the getting the unit done, but I think it will be well worth it. I also plan to touch up my Display Board a bit as well, but thankfully it has been safely stored since I last used it at an event.
During Adepticon this past March I ordered some custom Combat Gauges from 6squared Studios for this blog that I handed out to my opponents for some shameless self-promotion and give them a nice tool to use in their following games. I plan to order them once again for Nova this year and the sooner I get on this the better. I am working on having a true logo created currently, but sadly I do not believe it will be completed in time to put them on the Combat Gauges. This is due to my failing at sorting out what I want exactly, but once it is completed you will see it here first!
Currently, I am signed up for the Team event with my buddy Matt for Friday, which is also the day we arrive. I am also competing in the Championship Saturday and Sunday, but thanks to Aaron Bostian I plan to add another event. There is a narrative campaign going on all weekend and I plan to jump into the games on Friday Night for some Narrative Driven Gaming.
At Adepticon I went all out with a short story explaining the Lore of my Army as well as color copies of my List from the Azyr App with custom Images I took of my Army. I plan to do the same for the Championship event, but the this is sounding more and more like it will be a last minute item to complete due to everything that needs to be done prior.
As I do before any event I try to play as many games as possible with the Army to ensure I know what each unit does in order to keep my game moving as quickly and accurately as possible. I felt as if my game hasn't been as clean or tight as it could be as of late. Mostly due to my hobby time and energy being put into playing less and less. I want to try to get at least two games in per week before the event.

All done...almost...
I am also painting my Khorne to possibly take to the NArrative event. Currently, I have added 30 Bloodletters to my assumed total, but I will not truly count them unless they are based and I do not plan to base until the army is fully painted so it will be all or nothing on my end. Either way, it is fun to have a little hobby crunch to keep motivated! However, once I pick up the last box of Protectors I need they will move to top priority!
I hope to see you at Nova Open if you are attending this year. If you are hit me up on Twitter and we can chat hobby for a bit. Have a great weekend and until next week, Happy Hobbying!