If you are in one of the countries that celebrate Thanksgiving I wish you happy feasting and hope you get plenty of time to get some hobby in as well.
This past Saturday saw my local club begin our Firestorm Escalation League. We had a nice turnout for the first month and expect a few more to join us as we progress. I used the basic outline of the Firestorm campaign but added a few other elements and simplified others to have it work for an escalation league to help everyone get their models painted. We began at 1000pts this month with plans to go to 1500 in December and cap it all off with a 2000pt tournament in January. There was already a lot of painted models for the first round and it really helped encourage everyone to catch up for next month.
Our missions are being pulled randomly from the Open War cards to help keep the games varied and fun. The deck is really great for more relaxed events such as this and it helps prevent burnout on the scenarios in the Generals Handbook as we go into the new year of Conventions and tournaments.
I am a fan of Trophies as handouts for events. I enjoy handing out awards just as much as I like winning them so I created some for the conclusion of the League. I took a piece of artwork for Age of Sigmar, added the club and blog logos as well as the prize name and event name. I went to a local convenience store to print them out on photo paper for $0.46 each and bought frames for around $1.00 each. I first did this at Coalescence 2017 and they went over very well so I decided this will be my go-to method for awards going forward.
As I mentioned above I finally go my Hobby Train back on track and after weeks of slacking off, I finally finished the five Bloodreavers I had on my desk. Since Blood Reavers are minimum units of ten I decided to use these extra ones on my Bloodthirsters base as it was a bit too barren. It really helps make the model feel a bit larger I feel and while it is a lot of work for looks I would happily do it again on future models if the opportunity arises.
Also, the nominations for Warhammer Heros has officially begun. I love this idea and I hope everyone goes out and nominates someone they think is a true Warhammer Hero!

May your week be full of Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, and Hobby. As always be sure to check back Friday for another post. This week I have an interview with Neil who runs Rend 4: Age of Sigmar War Gaming Club. Until then, Happy Hobbying!