Hey Everyone and welcome to this week's Hobby Table. The days counting down to
NOVA Open are passing quicker and quicker and there is still a lot to do before the event. There is a stack of terrain to paint before the event, in thanks to Games Workshop and the NOVA Open Board working out the arrangements for my request as well as finishing a few Stormcast for a local club mate for the event. One of the biggest projects I was very keen on completing was my entry for this year's
Capital Palette as they have introduced a Journeymen Level to the competition. I am happy to say I completed my task and I am super thrilled to present "Apfap, The Graceful Gobliness" to you all. I plan to go into detail of how I painted her on Fridays post so be sure to check back in a few days.
The generous people over at Games Workshop and the hard working NOVA Open Board managed to work through a request I made a while back to give NOVA a few tables of High-Quality Terrain. The timeline to get these all built and painted is tight, but I have enlisted the help of the club over the coming weeks to make sure everything gets done in time for me to bring down for the event and to be added to the NOVA terrain collection. Over the coming weeks, you might see this weekly article filled with nothing but terrain as this project gets knocked out!
I cannot tell you how proud I am to have finally been inspired by a miniature bust, bought it, and to have painted it to a level I am very happy to display and enter in a competition. I am very excited for Capital Palette as the experience of entering a painting competition is very new to me and I am curious to see how I stack up and more importantly, learn where I can improve by being critiqued by some of the best painters in the Hobby. I have no intentions of taking away any hardware, but that is not my goal. My goal was to create an art piece I am happy with and want to display. I am happy to say I already completed my goal as I love how she turned out.
I managed to complete yet another Endless Spell and rebase a few allies for my Daughters of Khaine this past week as well. The mirrors were a good project when I needed a break from painting my miniature bust as they were done with a quick bit of drybrushing. The rebased aleves will be coming with me to NOVA for some pickup games as they bolster my Daughters of Khaine. Lastly, I have four Stormcast models to paint for my club mate Jacob for his NOVA army and I plan to have them build, primed, and painted in the next few days clearing up my time for the terrain.
My Hobby has been kicked into high gear and it is exciting to be knocking it all out. If you plan to attend NOVA this year let me know in the comments and we can meet up to say Hi and until Friday, Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore