Hey Everyone! Another week has passed and as usual, I have managed to get some good hobby time in. While I have not been pushing myself to get anything completed I am happy with the progress I have made toward a few upcoming deadlines. It has been all Aelves lately and a good mix of building, painting, and working to improve some areas my hobby has been lacking. With the Thanksgiving break arriving tomorrow, I am looking forward to food, family, and getting lots of Hobby completed!
I started a new league for my local club recently where I had everyone give me a list of three armies and I would decide which one they would begin collecting. The overall goal is to help everyone branch out to an army they might not think to choose due to lore, gaming, or hobby reasons. It was a fun experiment and I was surprised that so many people jumped in and were willing to pick up a new force to give it all a go. Our first event day is coming up in a few weeks and the day is about painting as a group while we take turns sharing pieces of the armies lore we enjoy. My overall hope is to help show everyone in the club that there is a lot of options in the Age of Sigmar and it is a good idea to go outside your comfort zone. For myself, I choose Idoneth Deepkin in order to get back into playing a more elite style army with only a few models. I have been deep in on hordes of Witch Aelves that switching up my playstyle will help me become a better player overall.
I was happy to get everything built and with some luck, I can get them primed in the next day or so if the weather doesn't get too nasty. Knowing that my army was going to be elite in nature I really wanted to give it all extra effort with its basing as well as push myself on its paint scheme. I am very happy with how my basing is coming together, but I am yet still undecided on my paint scheme.
I was happy to get everything built and with some luck, I can get them primed in the next day or so if the weather doesn't get too nasty. Knowing that my army was going to be elite in nature I really wanted to give it all extra effort with its basing as well as push myself on its paint scheme. I am very happy with how my basing is coming together, but I am yet still undecided on my paint scheme.
Also coming up in a few weeks is the 2-day event being held by the Rend 4 club and as such I have thirty Witch Aevles currently on my table to paint. I have made good progress on them this past week and it is likely I complete them in the next few days which is good as I just purchased thirty more of the models. The plan is to run One hundred and eighty strong Witch Aelf Horde for a grudge game at Adepticon for a bit of fun and really cap off my year of The Witch Aelf Horde. After that, I plan to stick with my Daughters of Khaine but will explore other play styles and list designs in their battletome. I also took the time to add a few "kitbashed" Heros to my table as well using the Blood Bowl Dark Elf box. They are nothing special, but I wanted to add a bit of variety to my growing collection