Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Weekly Hobby Update 10.3.22

 Hey Everyone! I am a day late posting my Weekly Hobby Update, but I hope you can forgive me as there is some exciting stuff below after the break!  From Middle Earth, to the Mortal Realms, to Horus Heresy, to Mordheim itself, and even historical I have been very busy as always!  Directly below you can see my completed Rivendell army, painted by my FLGS owner Norm, which I gave some fresh flock to kick it all off!  Jump after the break to see more!

It was not just flocking work I did for my Middle Earth army as I also picked up the new Elrond box set not long ago and snuck in a quick paint-up of the three models contained within.  Elrond, Elrond on a horse, and a Banner bearer are all ready for some games in the future.  Middle Earth is an excellent game that I do not get to play nearly as often as I would like, but simply having this army brings me joy Elrond box set.  I am a massive fan of these named, but more minor characters for Age of Sigmar, and the more the better I say, but sadly while I have this excellent model I missed preordering the book so I am on the hunt for it as we speak so I can learn more about this much more piratical Kharadron Overlord.

Two small, but quick updates to my efforts in Historical Wargaming.  I finally have an Eagle bearer for my Warhammer Ancients Roman army, a critical oversight on my end I am pleased to finally correct.  I also have begun collecting research materials for my future Napoleonic Army with the help of an old pro at this sort of thing.  Currently, I am deciding on which of Napeolons Marshals I wish to explore in more detail and then which of their corps I plan to paint as my force.  As a historical buff I am very much enjoying this process!

A big update for my weekly Warhammer clubs Mordehim board!  We have officially finished the first half to completion which means we can star playing games this very week!  This labor of love has been months in the making and I am thrilled to see everyone's hard work come together.  I am continually thankful to have been part of this project as well as count he members as great friends!

One final update this week.  The weather finally cleared enough to allow me to prime my Horus Heresy Dark Angels!  Priming them black means I am already half way done with my color scheme, but I am still enjoying a slower project like this to fill my hobby time throughout the week.  I plan to have this army done by end of the year at the latest with a stretch goal being the end of November.

I hope you have had a great week in Warhammer and have plenty more lined up this week.  Until next time stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!
