Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a great Easter weekend and are ready to go crush another week of hobby and goals! My last week was a strong week in painting everyone's favorite little balls of metal, the Dwarfs! My Dwarf Vacation is almost at an end so jump after the break to check it all out!
My Dwarf Vacation took a strong turn back to The Old World this week with the completion of ten Ironbreakers, ten Irondrakes, a Stone Thrower, a classic Gyrocopter, a new Thane BSB, Ungrim Ironfist conversion, fifteen Hammerers, and a new Dwarf Lord on Shield Bearers. It was a whirlwind of painting, but I am thrilled to have added a plethora of models to my Old Hammer Throng!
I also got a small bit of AoS hobby in with the building and priming of an entire table of AoS terrain for my weekly game group! Here is hoping I get to paint that up here soon.
I hope you all have a solid week and go crush some hobby and fitness goals this week! See you later on and Stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!