Hello everyone and happy Monday! I hope your prior week went well and are excited to dive into my last week of Hobbyt, Fitness, and a bit of Street Fighter. To kick things off for the post is a Warhammer Ancients game I had last week with my friend Mark. Romans versus Romans in a brutal battle! It's always fun getting some Ancient gaming out to mix things up!
I did manage lots of hobby last week with Dark Elves and Dark Angels seeing the bulk of my hobby time with a bit of reading with the latest Narrative book for Age of Sigmar. I really loved painting these bigger kits this past week and it bled into the massive terrain build project going on right now with my and the build team near me. Expect a lot more 40k terrain posts for the next few months!
My fitness was solid last week. I continue to feel strong, but I have been indulging a bit more than usual lately and can feel the added-on weight so not looking to do a cut, but aiming to get my nutrition back in line with my goals.
Next up for hobby will be a mix of Wood Elves and Sylvaneth using all the fun kits currently available. It's another small project to fill my time this week and I am hoping to get back to my Cities fo Sigmar army project by next week!