Monday, October 30, 2023

Weekly Hobby Update 10.30.23

 Hello all and Happy Halloween!  October has come and gone very quickly, but this final full week of the month saw some great hobby, fitness, and music!  I hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween and more Warhammer planned for this week.  Let's explore last week after a Sigmar candy break!

1989 Taylors Version was released this past week and my ears have been full of all its goodness.  The TSwift team put up an Album creator and I had to jump on it with Tayrathi's version of the album for a bit of fun.

Gaming last week was all Warhammer Fantasy focused with my Tomb Kings taking on various other armies of various sizes.  Two great games that came to the bitter end with my Tomb Kings losing out by the smallest of margins!  Still great to get this army out for some games!

Fitness continues to be great as I feel strong and happy.  Not much to say other than I hope you are doing the same!

A quick aside for some Warhammer Pucahses is the arrival of my physical copy of Soulbound Eas of the Beast.  The book is wonderful and I am thrilled to add it to my collection for Soulbound games.

Street Fighter 6 is as great as always.  I am fully Halloweened up for the season and continuing with my labbing and the final set of tournaments happening in the foreseeable future.  See you in the Battle Hub!

Despite a lot of other ongoing I managed a good deal of Hobby last week for both my upcoming Cities of Sigmar, Living City, army as well as a few new editions to my Sylvaneth army.  Really enjoying my time in the trees as of late!

Have a great week everyone and Stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!
