Hello all and Happy Monday! Another great week is upon us so it is time to look back at last week and the hobby goodness contained within. First up was my very first game of Warhammer Horus Heresy with my friend Luke. Having had my army for a while now it was great to see how the game played and I have to admit I love how it flows. Space Marines feel tough and hard to kill and the game is exciting to the very end. Let's continue after the break to see more hobby fun from last week!
Hobby was very themed this past week with plenty of Wood Elves and some Sylvaneth painted up for Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Age of Sigmar. I was excited to finally "complete" my Wood Elf army and it has inspired me to add even more to my Sylvaneth and get that army back on the table for some friendly gaming in the near future.
Fitness last week was fine. I say fine as it wasn't good or bad. IT simply was part of my week, but that in itself is a victory in reinforcing the habit of strength.A quick purchase last week saw my old man wargamer come out as I nabbed the latest Wargames Illustrated as it has the ruleset from Jervis Johnson my local group will be using for Napeoleonics in the coming year!
On the hobby desk, this week is the start of my Cities of Sigmar Living Cities army. I am doing lots of theming and kitbashing across the entire army as I grow it over time. I built the heroes from the limited box set as a proof of concept for the entire army and I am excited with how they turned out. Looking forward to this project greatly!
Have a great week everyone and as always stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!