Sunday, January 24, 2016

Welcome to The Realm Gate Blog!

Welcome to The Realm Gate Blog where I will be bringing you my thoughts and ramblings on Warhammer Age of Sigmar (and probably Fantasy and 40k from time to time).  Join me as I add my voice to the community (as an amateur and very new blogger).

This box is where it all began for me in earnest.  I received it as Christmas gift from my folks after showing interest in the game at my local shop.  It wasn't my first model kit, but it is where I finally began to understand the scope of this hobby.  This box sat somewhere in my house for far to long as my interest in Warhammer originated from the MMO Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and not from a desire to model or paint.  Soon this would change...

(My Character from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning)

After the MMO became old news I finally decided to begin assembling and painting my models.   I gave myself a deadline of the next Gamesday in my local area (May 2013).  I had a little over two months so I felt quite confident I could accomplish my goal.  Needless to say I had no idea the amount of work this hobby required, but I stuck to it and after many sleepless nights and long weekends I was feeling excited.

Then this issue dropped....

I had points to spare so I decided to paint a Flamspyre Phoenix to join my Host.  The model released the day of the event and thankfully my local shop gave me the model a day early after I informed them of my plan.  I probably slept 2hrs that night as I painted like a mad man with excitement of my first battles ahead of me!  I went 1-2 that day and I am pretty sure my one win was handed to me, but it was a great day and I learned a lot that day and my first steps into this hobby turned into a full on sprint.

My journey continued with additional armies, local tournaments, narrative games and I enjoyed every bit of it.  Soon this mild distraction on the side became my main hobby and would take up more and more of my time as I delve deeper and deeper.  I would eventually find pod casting such as Garagehammer and Heelanhammer (both who are still around in the Age of Sigmar) as time went on.  I would continue on my journey and along the way improve myself as a gamer and hobbyist and eventually became one of  leaders for Fantasy (and now AoS) in my local scene.  

My true test was yet to come.  It was a test many faced.  It was The End Times and I will explore how I made it through next time...