1st place: Sean (BrushforHire) - Ice Slayers
2nd place: Luis - Daemons of Tzeentch
3rd Place: Luke - Hammers of Sigmar
While my club knocked me down a few levels this past weekend I did go home with some fun goodies. I picked up my Malign Portents Book and received a pin set for each of the new Heroes as well as some nifty warscroll cards with the great artwork on the back which I am planning to frame for display. They are durable, but the paper is a bit thinner than the standard warscroll cards so instead of potentially damaging them I plan to hand them up around my hobby area.
Of course, I couldn't pass up picking up my own Darkoath War Queen to go with my Slaanesh themed Slaves to Darkness. I am planning to keep her tone neutral so she can fit in with my Khorne army as well. I was also given a fantastic gift from a great friend in the form of forty Daemonettes. My friend Matt picked them up a while ago when they went made to order, but his hobby heart is now committed to Nurgle. I plan to paint them up in the third phase of the Malign Portents painting event.

Speaking of my Daughters of Khaine I have begun stretching out my nights in order to ensure I am ready for the quickly approaching Adepticon. Last night I managed to finish the washes on all 120 of my Witch Aelves and plan to dive into the Eyes next to finish them all up. I may go mad as I attempt this last step, but I begin this last trial to truly show devotion to The Shadow Queen. I am pushing very hard to have them done by the end of this weekend so feel free to keep an eye on Twitter to watch my descent into madness or even perhaps join me on a hobby hangout call for some fun.

May your week be full of Hobby and Gaming and if you have forgotten to pick up a suitable Valentine's Day Card feel free to check out and use any of the ones below (or the one at the very top) as I am sure they will be received well for this holiday if your partner is also a wargamer. If they are not, give them one anyway!
Until Friday, Happy Hobbying
Chuck Moore