While everything is focused on prepping for NOVA this past weekend saw the second month of my clubs narrative event as we tour the realms run by Luis. The army size jumped up to 1500pts for this month and I filled my ranks with some Glade Guard and a few more Sylvaneth Heroes. It is always a fun day with the club and I managed to go 2-1 for the day with my Sylvaneth. I am very excited as I am currently tied for first place in the event going into the final month when we increase to 2000pts. I plan on bringing Alarielle for the final month and I cannot wait to play her on the table. I am just hoping to have her finished in time for the next event day.
As I have mentioned in last week's post a lot of my club mates are joining the fun down at NOVA and I was helping one of them get his army ready. I recently painted up a lot of Dispossessed and this past week I knocked out a few Stormcast to get him ready. I did a lot of drybrushing and quick techniques to get these done, but I am very pleased with how they turned out. The color scheme was simple and quick and I wish this was the colors I choose back when Age of Sigmar Began with my Chamber.
One of the last big items on my NOVA Preparation list was having everything I need printed and ready to go for the events. I wanted to ensure I had more than enough handouts, painting score sheets, etc. I also have been putting all the rulings from emails and facebook questions in one place to keep all the answers consistent and handy for the game days. I am happy to say I have everything I need all ready to go in a nice little box that I have sitting on top of my hobby desk to ensure I do not forget to bring it with me to NOVA.
The final bit of Hobby from this past week is giving me mixed feelings. I recently filled up every page on my first ever Hobby Journal. I took a look back through it all from when I began using it in September of 2015. I carried this book with me pretty much every day in case I needed to jot down an idea, write out my ToDo list for an upcoming event, and notes from the community projects over the years. It's really fun to think about how much has changed over the past few years while this book sat in my project. I have made many great friends, improved my hobby skills, and really began living my life focused on my goals more than ever. My old brown Hobby Journal is now sitting on my shelf by my paint desk and the new black one begins its journey with me for the next few years. I will be curious to see how things have changed when the new journal needs replacing. I cannot express it enough, but if you don't do a Hobby Journal yet I encourage you to begin one.
I hope your week is full of painting and building and your NOVA crunch is going well if you are preparing for the event. If you haven't seen yet feel free to check out my new page www.strengthhammer.net to have a single source for all my content as I build up the page. Until Friday, Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore