Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Hobby Table : 9-19-18

Happy Wednesday everyone!  The hobby has been picking up steam as we head into Autumn, despite the ongoing summer weather that is hanging around preventing me from some priming.  This past week I have managed to get a lot built, play a game, and finally get to work on my Realms at War project.  On top of all that I have been bitten by the Warhammer Champions bug after picking up a few booster packs and the Order Starter Deck at NOVA a few weeks back.  While none of my local shops have begun stocking the game I have been playing a lot of games via the App on my phone.  The game is really fun and unique and I am hoping to get the game going in my area soon.

My friend Matt picked up the Middle Earth Strategy Battle game and had an interest in trying it out.  I have had a bunch of Rivendell Elves purchased over the years, some of which are my very first painted miniatures.  Matt helped me build a list to a 500pt level before coming over to play a game.  It was a learning game for the both of us and we kept it simple, but the game was a joy to play and different from Age of Sigmar and 40k.  We both plan to build up our force a bit more and paint them up for a bit of fun from time to time.  Also if you were wondering at all I can confirm that Elrond is amazing on the table!  

Just as I did last autumn at this time I am building and painting Sylvaneth.  My local club began a narrative escalation tour of the realms a few months back and it will be wrapping up in October.  Since I had never played with my Sylvaneth as they were painted for last years Armies on Parade I was using the event as a reason to play them and finally build the Alarielle model I have had for a while.  Due to some work, I did for one of my FLGS I also had a Sylvaenth Start Collecting Kit to build and paint as well.  I am planning on using these new models for this year's Armies on Parade as well as the event is once again a competition across all the game systems and I will be able to compete against many as opposed to only a few and I really want to see how my Sylvaneth Theme does in competition.

I have also finally begun painting my three models needed for Realms at War 2018 next month.  I decided to begin with the Potatofied Form for my Aethermyst first to get the juices going and should be able to get my Aethermyst proper and Aetherlab completed soon.  I cannot believe I will be over in England with my Wife next month, but I cannot wait!

I hope your week is going strong an full of Hobby.  Keep an eye out for a new episode of Strength Hammer coming out soon and until Friday, Happy Hobbying!

Chuck Moore