I finally wrapped up the last unit of Stormcast that have been sitting primed on my hobby table for the past few weeks. I was pleased with painting these Evocators as the robes did well breaking up the armour and giving them a bit of uniqueness in the army. Even though I haven’t played my Stormcast army for quite some time they are a good excuse to paint up something simple as a break from my current project. I am now thinking to add a unit of Sequitors whenever I need another easy painting project.
While Stormcast was the first bit of hobby I knocked out the bulk of my hobby from the past week was dedicated to my Sylvaneth. I needed to paint up a few units of Dryads for my local Tale of Four Warlords and they came together rather quickly. What shocked me was my urge to push on to the next few months of commitment and I saw myself painting up a Spirit of Durthu as well as a Branchwhych to wrap up the rest of the army and be well ahead of my planned painting schedule. I am now eagerly waiting for the new Sylvaneth Battletome and Models currently stuck in a port to be released to add them to my growing Wargrove.
The last bit of hobby was probably the most exciting bit as I got to play with Contrast. I had a very unique color scheme idea for my upcoming Slaanesh army and I choose to dive in with both feet as I played with Contrast. The paints do work well and cover nicely in one coat, but they are not a magic wand. They are a very very useful tool to add to my hobby toolbox and I can see how they will save me time, but I also know I need to play with them more to really get their full effect. I am looking forward to tackling army painting with the paint and will be sure to share my experience when it begins. If you haven’t had a chance to play with Contrast I recommend you go pick some up and give it a go! It will save you time and they do work well but have patience as you learn how to use this new and excellent tool.
Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore