Before I dive in I wanted to share the paint I used for these few models. I am always surprised at just how many different paints I use on just a handful of models. Since Sean at BrushForHire used a different brand of paint it took a bit of thinking to match everything, but I am happy with the results. I might pick up a few more models in the future to add to the army now that I am comfortable with the paint scheme.
The first model up is a Soulscryer I added to my enclave. I really love this sculpt and quite enjoyed painting it up. I can see a lot of potential in doing some fun conversions with this sculpt for the army, and possibly other armies, in the future.
I also painted up a unit of Reavers to join the ranks. I tossed in a few head swaps here and there to help fit my army narrative, which I hope to write up for another post here soon. The movement in these models is spectacular and they take to head swaps quite easily. It also adds a lot of variety to the units with the varying heads and it is well worth exploring if you are building the army.
The last bit of work is beginning a simple display board for the army. I plan to add a bunch of colored sand after painting in the waves to give them a beach feel, but being set within the Mortal Realms in is open unique way. It isn't anything grand, but it should serve its purpose quite well for the army and event.
I hope your hobby is going well and be sure to let me know what you are working on whether it is an army or even a custom themed board! Until next week, Happy Hobbying!
Chuck Moore