Monday, August 29, 2022

Weekly Hobby Update 8.29.22

Hello everyone!  As I mentioned in my last Hobby Update I am moving these weekly posts to Mondays to better separate them from the weekly podcast you can find on our YouTube and your favorite podcast feeds.  While these Hobby Update will be shorter than most, it gets everything lined up much better for all the content I wish to bring to you.  Check out my week in Warhammer after the break.

As you can see above this past weekend was a local club day for Age of Sigmar.  It was a modest turnout as a fair number of our club members are on summer vacations or busy with big life changes, but fun was indeed had with a few games amongst us all.  I also worked on fixing up a piece of terrain for my home table that saw a mishap a month ago where my resin Tayrathi Statue split apart.  The broken statue now sits on my Display board, but the creator (@TheTyromancer on Twitter) of this statue was kind enough to remake it and ship it my way!  They also sent a few smaller versions that are perfect for my army so expect to see one of those on this post soon!

I also continued on with my Warhammer Fantasy Battle painting blitz and finished up the last square-based models I had on my table.  While I am primarily a High Elf Player as you can see with my newly painted-up White Lion Chariot, my much more recent love of Daughters of Khaine inspired me to give more care to my Dark Elf army and add a few pieces to my classic army.  Hellebron on her Cauldron of Blood and having found a random Morgwaeth model in a used model section of a local shop and I felt like it would be a fun thing to put her back into The Old World.

One last bit of hobby that I am very excited about is also for my Dark Elf army, but if you follow me for any time now she will be a familiar face.  That's right, Tayrathi is being brought to The Old World as my Death Hag Battle Standard Bearer!  I am thrilled to explore Tayrathi's tale in detail from this setting and how she was able to survive the sundering of the world that was and connect this older lore up through my current Tayrathi lore in due time.  Keep an eye out for it in the near future.

Well, that is my past "week" in the hobby and I hope you had a good week as well with lots of painting, building, and gaming!  Until next time Stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!
