Hey all and Happy Monday! I hope you had a great week of hobby and life! I had an enjoyable week myself including a Bloof Angel commission you can see right below for my FLGS. It was some proper Old Hammer work and it went quick and was quite enjoyable! To see the rest of the week check out after the break!
Hobby this past week saw, what I feel, is the end of my Dwarf/Duardin vacation that I have been on for the past few weeks/months. I added a few more Thunderers to my Kharadon Army (complete with kitbashing) as well as a Gyrobomber for my Fantasy Dwaf Army. Sensing the need to paint up an elf I kitbashed a model for my Fantasy Dark Elves with Tullaris Dreadbringer and seeing how he had no official model I feel the conversion I made is a nice representation of The Hand of Khaine
I hope you had a good week and had better luck with your preorders this past weekend (also that Games Workshop gets a better system in place going forward for these big releases). Let's go crush this week and until next time, stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!