Monday, April 24, 2023

Weekly Hobby Update 4.24.23

 Hello Everyone and Happy Monday!  As you read this I am traveling for a work conference but wanted to make sure I got my week recap out for you all to read over your morning coffee or tea.  From massive building projects to a Warhammer GT there is plenty that happened so be sure to check it out after the break!

As you often see from pictures of my local game club, The Barn Owls, we play a plethora of games, but one was missing more than most, Age of Sigmar.  In order to jump-start the club into AoS I worked with my FLGS owner to get a bunch of AoS Start Collecting Boxes.  I built them all up over a few days and surprised them all and let them pick their armies at this past weeks club day.  Expect more AoS from the barn owls soon in these posts!

I also managed a game at Barn this past week with my Tomb Kings versus my friend Mark's Bretonnians (Mark is the one who built and painted all my TK).  I am happy to say my TK finally took a win and my excitement for Old World continues to grow more and more!

This past weekend was a local GT, Warpstone Wars and in preparation, I made up a very quick Display Board for my Hedonites of Slaanesh.  The board is very simple and lacks much personality, but when the army is on it displays well so I consider it a success!  Heading into this GT I have to admit I am woefully unprepared in regard to the game itself.  My hobby has been all over the place and in many different game systems.  I thought hard about taking my new Fyreslayers, but in the end, I decided that taking my Slaanesh would be much more fun as I offer temptation dice to my opponents over the games and to show it off a bit as it's my favorite paint job I have done to date.  keep reading to see how the event ended up!

Warpston Wars went very well!  I managed 1-4 with my Slaanesh list, played five great opponents, and met a bunch more folks which is always great!  Really fell in love with the Temptation mechanic for Slaanesh as well over the weekend.  It hits the same joy center in my brain as Kraith does for my DoK.  Overall a great time with great people.  My only critique is the event pack needs to be tightened up, but still well worth attending and putting on your event radar in the future!

I managed a few hobby pick-ups as well.  The biggest and most surprising was The Lion's Guard box that I failed to nab during the ordering due to the website issues we all suffered.  Thankfully my FLGS had a spare on their order so I grabbed it up as well as the latest White Dwarf, my favorite monthly read!

Fitness continues to be fun and simple as of late.  Some home gym workouts and some in the gym itself.  Either way, I feel strong and happy when I am lifting weights and feeling more consistent overall!  Soon I need to pick a goal for my workouts so I can start pushing a bit more in a specific direction.

I hope you all enjoyed my weekly recap and are having a great start to your week.  Until next time Happy Hobbying and stay Stormcast Strong!
