Happy Monday everyone! It has been another great week full of Warhammer, Street Fighter, Fitness, and plenty of Taylor Swift music. Honestly, I am still not over the Eras tour concert I attended, it was such an amazing experience! However, the Warhammer has taken off this past week so jump to after the break to see more!
A narrative campaign for Age of Sigmar kicked off this week to see if my Daughters of Khaine can defend their temple from the rampaging Ogors (and some Gitz). Using the narrative Flashpoint "The Bitches Bill from White Dwarf 488 myself, Brad, and Aleks played through the first game, and being narrative it ended with a close match seeing Tayrathi hold her ground despite an injury from the Gitz. This week will see the second of three games in this fun little campaign. Will Tayrathi keep her temple? Time will tell!
I did have some fun hobby projects this past week with a proxy Mandrake unit painted up for my Drukhari army completed. I also went through all the old Daughters of Khaine Battletomes and GHB's to model the Artefects of Power I have used across all my games over the years for a narrative hobby project. It didn't take long, but it was very satisfying to accomplish!
The Barn Owls crew also poured the last resin for our epic Mordheim table to see it get that much closer to completion! We are only a few more steps away from a massive 6'x12' board ready for some amazing Mordheim campaigns in the near future!
Fitness this past week was as it has been with three solid workouts and a continue with the Push/Pull/Legs split. I am still feeling strong and ready to go and have been looking at a few new goals soon for my fitness, but this basic program has been nice to work through so far.
My local club, Ligonier Legion, had a club day this past weekend to celebrate the launch of Warhammer 40k's 10th edition! I was lucky enough to play two great games and I am thrilled to say my Ynnari performed exceptionally well. This edition really reminds some of AoS 2.0, which I loved, so I am wanting to get more 40k game sin very soon!
Street Fighter 6 has had a bit of a downturn this week as I found myself in a Plateau with my matches. I decided to spend a lot of time in the lab working on combos and muscle memory in order to try and push through. The coming days will see if the effort paid off or if it is back to the lab.
I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to a new week ahead! Be sure to take care of yourself mind, body, and soul, and as always Happy Hobbying and Stay Stormcast Strong!