Fresh off the heels of my lore for Gitcon 2023 is my Nashcon 2023 lore for Tayrathi and her Kharadron saviors, Fleet Maxa'Va. This bit plays more into the recent Strength Hammer Podcast episode (#66) so be sure to check it out and enjoy this bit of lore all about Tayrathi below!
“As per the agreement of payment for services rendered; in the evacuation of The Tayrathian Temple and for future services to be rendered in the form of delivering all members of The Tayrathian Cult (except for a small contingent of willing volunteers to join the Crew of Fleet Maxa’Va) to a new location for the founding of a new Temple location; The Tayrathian Cult shall represent Fleet Maxa’Va in the Trade Alliance Agreement of Fleet Maxa’Va, Grugni’s Reclaimers, and Grumdren Forgeheart’s Flying Circus. Fleet Maxa’Va shall transport The Tayrathian Cult to and from the Tournament.
The Tayrathian Cult assumes all risks and injury for participation in the Trade Alliance Sgreement and may retain all awards and accolades won, but spoils and loot of the Trade Alliance Sgreement as well as all glory won shall be retained by Fleet Maxa’Va. In order to facilitate this agreement a representative of Fleet Maxa’Va shall accompany and assist The Tayrathian Cult.
Refusing to render payment shall see The Tayrathian Cult permanently entered into the Dammaz Kron of Fleet Maxa’Va and immediate expulsion of all members from the fleet despite location or elevation”
Exert on the payment section from the one and hundred and thirty-page contract between Fleet Maxa’Va and The Tayrathian Cult for services rendered. This and all parts of the contract are confidential until the start of the Trade Alliance Agreement of Fleet Maxa’Va, Grugni’s Reclaimers, and Grumdren Forgeheart’s Flying Circus. Fleet Maxa’Va. All found breaking this confidentiality shall be added to the Damnaz Kron of Fleet Maxa’Va and receive eternal enmity from The Tayrathian Cult.