Monday, September 18, 2023

Weekly Hobby Update 9.18.23

 Happy Monday and happy new week everyone!  Last week saw a continued explosion in hobby on my plate, but I have been up for the task so far.  First and foremost is a large terrain project that a few friends and I are tackling for the upcoming Warhammer US Open 40 Grand Narrative.  The picture is a little over half of the total terrain as my hobby table could not handle any more.  Keep an eye out for a lot of progress on this in the coming weeks as we work towards our November Deadline.

The first bit of hobby I decided to tackle this past week was clipping all the extra bits off the sprues to conserve space in my gaming area.  It was quite a bit and while my hands were tired it went fairly quick and freed up a lot of space for me.  A hobby task well worth doing and keeping up on!

Another task for the Warhammer Events Team arrived this past week as well in the form of 750 (I was expecting 1500) of the easy-to-build Infernus Space Marines.  These are the "paint and take" models to help folks start their hobby journey and I am happy to be a part of someone's first steps into the hobby, plus all 750 of them ranked up look pretty slick.  Safe to say my hands remained sore...

I did sneak in a bit of my own painting and hobby purchases as I continue to fill out the remaining units needed for my Fantasy Dark Elf army.  It isn't much, but elves are always fun to paint and I am excited to get them ready for games in the near future.  I think another week's worth of hobby and they should be good to go.

Fitness continues to feel good as my current program is really making me feel and look good.  Not much else to say here, but I hope your gym going is also as fruitful!

I did get in a single game with my friend Mark this past week seeing my High Elves defend a hill against his Tmb Kings charge.  It was close, but I managed to hold the ground and claim another trophy for Tayrathi's introduction into this army!

I hope you have a great week ahead and until next time.  Happy Hobbying and stay Stormcast Strong!
