Happy Monday everyone! This past week saw the Las Vegas Open 2023 come and go! First off I want to congratulate all the players, TO's, and attendees for filling my feed with Warhammer goodness! Not to mention those attending the other great events like Holy Wars bringing us tons of narrative pictures throughout the weekend! With a big event like LVO comes a great reveal show and I wanted to briefly touch on the surprise Daughters of Khaine warband announced for Underworlds! I am so excited for them as they are the first true surprise release I have seen in quite a while and I cannot wait to paint them up for my ever-growing Tayrahtian Cult!
This past week also saw me finally begin my painted model tally sheet for 2023 with an addition to my Path to Glory Ironjaws force. The recent point changes meant his unit of Brutes fits in nicely to have the army sit at a nice 1000pts. They are fun and quick to paint up to a tabletop level and it felt good getting those first painted models completed.
With the hobby mojo finally flowing with the paintbrush I also added more color to my Catahcan Crusade army as well. While I have no rush or deadline to complete this army it is always nice to see progress as it is motivation to continue doing more and more until you find yourself with a completed army. Hopefully, this week will see even more paint on the army as a whole.
It can't all be just my hobby however as my next terrain project for the Games Workshop US Opens arrived suddenly. It seems Killteam is very popular with the attendees, and a need to expand quickly is urgent. Thankfully these will paint up very quick and easily for Killteam gaming once I can get a day to prime them.
A short but busy week this week as I also had to contend with a stomach bug that hit my household. It was short and nasty, but it is through and it means my focus can be on all things Warhammer going into this week as well as getting back to the gym after an unexpected week off due to the illness.
Have a great week everyone and as always, stay Stormcast Strong and Happy Hobbying!